Monday, June 28, 2010

The Journey towards Tomorrow

Tomorrow is the big day, the day my extra kidney goes to someone who needs it more than I do. I am not nervous, just anxious to get it done.

Now pretty much everyone I know is aware of the impending surgery and donation. Some think I am crazy, some admire me, but all ask why. I am not totally sure of the reason except for the fact that I feel God means for me to do this.

The process started in September 2009. After some internet searching, I found the National Kidney Registry ( This organization's mission is to facilitate living donations. I submitted a lengthy medical history, physical examination and the results of many blood and urine tests. After about a month, I was contacted and told I was a probable candidate for donation. In March, I was told that UCLA was the medical center where I would continue my work-up. The last few tests were the "big" ones; CAT scan of the kidneys, more blood tests and a cardiac stress test. After all of these tests, I saw the surgeon. He told me that I my kidneys had extra arteries and veins. The doctor told me that this vascular abnormality would make it hard to "hook" my kidney into another person.

In late May, I received a call from the transplant coordinator; there was a recipient for my extra kidney. Apparently, in the hands of a skilled transplant surgeon, all my extra arteries and veins make little difference.

Tomorrow am I will head to the hospital; have to be there by 0800. In preparation for the procedure, I have been on clear liquids only for the last 48 hours and had to do a not so pleasant bowel cleansing procedure tonight.

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